What is the Adult Rider program?
The USEA Adult Rider Program is for any adult, professional or amateur, that is 22 years or older. The goal of the program is to increase adult rider participation in eventing by providing education, recognition, and offering communication and camaraderie.
Area X Adult Riders Membership Coordinator:
Deirdre Orcelletto (602) 568-4660
Membership Benefits
- Eligibility to ride in the Adult Rider Team Championship.
- Gift bags for all Adult Rider members heading to the AEC's
- End of the year Awards
- Discounts for Adult Rider activities
- Timely information and first crack at Adult Rider activities
- Prizes at all events
- Scholarships
How do I sign up?
You can join Adult Riders when you renew your membership for the USEA. If you already joined or renewed your USEA membership, but didn’t join Adult Riders, it isn’t too late. You can go back onto the USEA website and join. To do so, you must Log In and choose to join the Adult Rider program under your membership profile. The cost is $25 for the entire year.
Upcoming Events and News
*Pending Rescheduling*
The Adult Rider Program presents a 2-day jump clinic with Liz Halliday-Sharp. An email will be sent to all current Area X Members including the entry form, USEA Educational Activity agreement, and Carefree Farms liability waiver.
Payment reserves your spot.
The clinic is limited to a max of 25 horse/rider pairs.
Auditors welcome.
Stabling is separate from entry and will need to be paid to Carefree Farms directly. More info in the email going out.